ESA-MOST Dragon Cooperation
2024 Dragon Symposium


The 2024 Dragon Symposium will take place in Lisbon, Portugal, at the FIL Meeting Centre, from 24 to 28 June 2024. During this week, the joint Dragon 5 Sino-European project teams will report on their final results after four years of activity and the Dragon 6 PIs will present an overview of their projects. For Dragon 6 further information about the programme will be provided following the selection of the awarded projects.

Language and Fees The official language of the Symposium is English. No participation fees will be charged. The Symposium is open to Dragon scientists who will be required to register to participate to the event when requested by the organising committee.

Organising Committee

Rune Floberghagen Head of Dragon Office Gao Xiang
Director General
Eric Doyle Dragon coordinator Li Zengyuan Dragon coordinator
Karl Bergquist External relations Song Song Division Chief
Fabrizio Ramoino Dragon office Zou Yingman Dragon office
Irene Renis Dragon office Gao Zhihai Dragon office
Raffaele Rigoli Dragon office Sun Bin Dragon office
Florence Boye Dragon office Wu Junna Dragon office


The 2024 Dragon 5 Final Results Symposium will bring together the 55 teams that will report on the progress of each project to date including the latest scientific results and in particular:

  • Detail the Copernicus Sentinels, ESA, ESA TPM, and EO data acquired and investigated after four years of activity
  • Detail the in-situ data measurements and requirements particularly joint field visits made to study areas in the last year
  • Report on the role of young scientists within the projects and presentation of their results in a dedicated poster session
  • Outline academic exchange programmes developed
  • Outline the progress, status of the cooperation and recommendations within the project


The symposium will focus around the following themes:

  • Atmosphere
  • Calibration and Validation
  • Climate Change
  • Cryosphere and Hydrology
  • Data Analysis
  • Ecosystem
  • Ocean and Coastal Zones
  • Solid Earth
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Water Resources
  • Urbanization and Environment

Abstract Submission

A separate abstract submission is required for Dragon 5 and for Dragon 6 (when awarded).

Please use the online system to:

  1. Create a user account
  2. Submit your abstract in English
  3. Upload your abstract in Chinese (for oral presentations)

After completion of each of the actions 1 to 3, you should receive auto-generated emails with confirmations.

Oral Session – Principal Investigators

We kindly request a single project abstract in English is submitted on the abstract submission system by either the European or Chinese project PI.  We also request the abstract is uploaded as a PDF attachment in Chinese.

Poster Session – Young Scientists

All Dragon 5 Young Scientists are kindly required to submit a poster abstract in English using the same link as above.


The Dragon 5 final reporting is organised into six parallel workshops. Each workshop will include:

  • Oral and poster presentation of Dragon project results relevant to each theme
  • Round table discussions with seed questions prepared by the Dragon coordinators
  • Reporting on each of the thematic area outputs and discussions

There will be an adjudicated poster event for young scientists to present the results of their Dragon 5 project on the afternoon of Monday 24 June 2024.

Details on Dragon 6 will follow.

Schedule and Deadlines

7 February 2024
Abstract submission opening

7 February 2024
15 March 2024
Abstract submission closure

15 March 2024
15 March 2024
Letters of invitation in support of visa application

(for Chinese participants)

15 March 2024
23 April 2024
Notification to authors

23 April 2024
23 April 2024
Registration opening

23 April 2024
10 May 2024
Preliminary Programme

10 May 2024
17 May 2024
Registration closing

17 May 2024
24-28 June 2024

24-28 June 2024